
Today, in the society, there are many discriminations and prejudices based on race, socioeconomic status, religion, and more. People in different groups are biased toward each other and often judge and mistreat each other based on the skewed views. Wars, fights, political conflicts, and more, are the resulting phenomenas about these misconceptions. The movie Zootopia, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, although depicted with animal characters and may seem like an childish animation on the surface, deals with this sensitive and problematic social issue in a very comical yet accurate way. It teaches the audience the seriousness and the wrongness of the misconceptions and encourages them to reconcile with each other.  Not only that, on other levels, the movie also talks about dreams and friendships. The uplifting musics and bright, vivid colors enhances the hopeful and beautiful message of the movie and makes a great synergy with the overall plot. Zootopia is an extraordinary animation that addresses important social issues and life lessons in a very natural yet fun and touching way.

A rabbit as a police? Along with tiger and moose?

One fantastic point about Zootopia, is that there are many levels of the message that the plot conveys. It does not deal with just one theme, but multiple topics, concerning society, relationships, and life. Three significant themes were dream, friendship, and as aforementioned, prejudice. The movie deals with the deep topics in a very comical and touching way through the personification of animals and creation of imaginary world. The inspiring and passionate message of dreams, that everyone can become anything they dream, the beautiful and touching message of friendship, and the thought-provoking yet hopeful message of prejudices and possible reconciliation, is well intertwined together in the movie and makes the movie full and well balanced.

Here’s a clip for famous comical scene in the movie.

Furthermore, the mixture of both comical and serious, redundant tone, makes the movie more attractive, fun, and thought- provoking at the same time. Many scenes inserted in the movie in the midst of serious adventures of the characters, were devoted for comics and jokes, and as the result, made the movie more lively and exciting. Some scenes, like the one that makes fun of  sloths and their slow behavior, became so viral that it, itself became the source of parodies for many short videos online. The short comical scenes played a big role in giving the audience big laughs in the midst of the fierce journey of the protagonists’ fight against the antagonists and made their journey much more interesting to watch. It made the movie much easier and more fun to watch when it deals with some heavy topics in the basic plot structure, and  enabled the movie to perfectly suit as a family movie.

Music was another part of the movie that was fantastic. Some music in the movie even became popular as the music alone. Personally the music made me feel very free and uplifted. Shakira’s “Try Everything” is one song in the movie that inspires the audience. (Visit

https://reviewsophie.movie.blog/2019/05/02/shakiras-try-everything-from-zootopia/ to listen to the song!)It matches with the movie’s theme of dream and how one can be anything if they truly believe in themselves. Like this, the songs in the movie not only create a hopeful and bright tone but also resonate with and enhance the central theme.  In addition, the bright colors and vivid depiction of the animated characters also greatly contributed to the attractiveness of movie.These details make the movie seem more real and enables the audiences to be fully absorbed into the story.

In conclusion, the movie Zootopia is an extraordinarily great movie with deep lessons, touching messages, and great comical element. The underlying themes of  dreams, friendships,
and prejudices along with uplifting songs and vivid, bright cinematography created a perfect, well-balanced movie.